Monday, October 05, 2009

Getting closer...

Well the computer is fixed and everything, I should know, I'm typing on it right now!

I downloaded the sims and everything on it but something strange is with my sims...the tan skin is like an orange color...I think it has something to do with the graphics card.

So my mom is going to get another graphics card for me since this is an old one I'm guessing or one that isn't compatible with the sims.

It may not work entirely yet but it's a start! :D

At least the game works fine with out any trouble and I won't have to worry about anything for a little while.

Anyways I just wanted to tell you guys the good news and say the computer is FINALLY fixed :D


Now let's work on getting the sims to cooperate...


S@n said...

Congrats Damon! Hopefully everything will be working fine now!!! :D

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

hey there! i saw your name at Sandy's blog so I thought I would say hello! great looking blog!!!

S@n said...

Damon, is your computer working yet? :P

Hurry up... i want to see what you are up!!!

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